
What work do you expect to win big in Cannes this year? 

Jeff Baron: I see Apple Welcome Home, Tide It’s a Tide Ad, Nike Nothing Beats a Londoner winning some hardware.

Dan Scott-Croxford: KFC FCK and Nike Nothing beats a Londoner.  


Above: Nike Nothing beats a Londoner. 


What app will you be using on your phone during festival week?

Jeff Baron: Cannes Lions App and Bleacher Report so I can keep track of the World Cup news.

Dan Scott-Croxford: Slack. 


What’s your social platform of choice for festival news and updates? 

Jeff Baron: Cannes Lions App.

Dan Scott-Croxford: Twitter.


What device (s) did you travel to the festival with and why?

Jeff Baron: Cell phone and laptop.

Dan Scott-Croxford: Portable phone charger. To charge my phone. 



What do you think will be the hot topic of the week this year? 

Dan Scott-Croxford: Sir Martin Sorrell


Where were you when inspiration last struck?

Dan Scott-Croxford: In Paris. Last week.



What’s the most significant change you’ve witnessed in the industry since you started working in it? 

Jeff Baron: Free The Bid; and the rise, fall and rise again of the significance of music videos.

Dan Scott-Croxford: Clients building out in house capabilities. 


If there was one thing you could change about the advertising industry, what would it be?

Jeff Baron: Shrinking schedules and shrinking budgets...  I guess that’s two things.

Dan Scott-Croxford: Make it more diverse. 


Above: Stink founder Daniel Bergmann


What or who has most influenced your career and why? 

Jeff Baron: I’ve been fortunate enough to work at a few groundbreaking companies since I began working in the industry (HSI Productions, Anonymous Content and now Stink Films), so I have been influenced by many incredibly talented producers and directors over the years.

Dan Scott-Croxford: Daniel Bergmann. Working with him for over 14 years keeps you on your toes. 


What are you most looking forward to about Cannes this year?

Dan Scott-Croxford: Catching up with old friends. Meeting new ones.


Tell us one thing about yourself that most people won’t know…

Jeff Baron: I like to iron clothes.

Dan Scott-Croxford: I built a terrible website when I was a kid. 

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