
How would you describe 2017 for the ad industry, creatively speaking?

2017 saw some of the green shoots of new ways of working. It felt like, finally, new formats were getting the fresh thinking and creativity they deserved. Kid steps, but I saw several signs of promise that there’s an acceptance that only experimentation and playfulness, married to a robust testing regime, is a better bet than clinging on to old ways, old formats, old glory.

"I feel like I’ve started to make sense of all the shit that’s going on."

And what about POKE’s creative performance over the past year?

We’ve had a great year, working on a secret project to rethink an entire leisure category and invent a new one and how technology will glue so much of it together. We helped bring OFFF to London and gave its identity a London spin. In its third outing, Wembley Cup got a more than 30,000 paying crowd down to the stadium for the final. We’ve shot a film to support our initiative with the Winter Olympics to provide light for refugee camps. And there’s been quite a few murders in the Poke Pursuit game created by the team, but one that’s turned the studio into a shivering wreck of paranoia. It’s been busy!

Image result for the wembley cup 2017 

What has been your best personal achievement in the past 12 months and why?

I feel like I’ve started to make sense of all the shit that’s going on. It’s my job to have answers, but so much has been changing, sometimes it’s hard to have a solid orientation. This time last year I was pretty overwhelmed. Now I feel like the puzzle is coming together.


Looking ahead to 2018, what are you most excited about for the ad industry?

I’m looking forward to challenger thinking and creative really building momentum. I feel like the business has been held back by its own legacy for so long. Like a very fat, old, lazy snake, it’s been shedding its skin for an age. Now it’s getting its mojo back, albeit in a different, leaner, more energetic form.

"When you can see the path, accelerate."

Give us an example of a social strategy/approach from a brand you’d like to see more of in 2018.

Multi-influencer entertainment formats like Wembley Cup. Considering how well this has worked we’d like to see and also create others.


Which social campaign or moment will you remember 2017 for and why?

No More Excuses for Heineken would be mine. Great to demonstrate how much impassioned, data-led creativity can do. There are still so few great programmatic case studies out there, because it seems so hard to get the creative, media and platforms working closely enough together. Well at least we know it’s possible and I’m happy we’ve added a case giving a solid example of how it can be done.


What one piece of advice would you give to the industry for 2018?

When you can see the path, accelerate. It’s only going one way, so don’t hang around when you know which way that is!


What do you think the next big trend in social media will be?

The big trend will be lots of little trends that all relate through a strong cohesive spirit, but are free to riff off their unique environment, moment, context, culture.


What are you hoping to find under the Christmas tree this year?

Christmas presents my wife and kids love. Not so fussed about mine, unless it’s a Tesla!

Image result for Tesla 

What’s your New Year’s resolution, workwise or other?

Don’t waste time.
