
UNIT's senior sound designer Chris Southwell steps up for this week’s Playlist. Bringing over 14-years of audio experience to the table, Southwell is obsessed with 90’s Manchester music, with The Stone Roses, Happy Mondays [below] and The Charlatans all making their way on his Playlist.


What’s the best music video you’ve seen recently and why? 

I would say Ludovico Einaudi's Elergy for the Artic live performance. The video speaks for itself really, an incredible backdrop, nice mix of music and natural SFX. It sends out a powerful message. Also, OK Go Upside Down and Inside Out, great use of zero gravity. 



What’s the first music video you remember being impressed by? 

I have to go with my earliest music video memory Dire Straits Money For Nothing. I just remember seeing it played everywhere I went and being fixated on the crazy block men animation. Great opening guitar riff too.


And what’s your all-time favourite music video? 

The Verve Bitter Sweet Symphony. Loved the simplicity of this video, Richard Ashcroft's swagger and how people react towards him. For me this takes me back to a great music era.


What other directors/artists do you look to for inspirational?

I'm always watching YouTube clips of behind the scenes interviews with movie/gaming sound designers, creation of SFX, location records etc. Visual effects are always advancing and this gives incredible scope for imaginative sound design. I recently watched Doctor Strange, the visuals were amazing and the sound design was completed at Skywalker sound. Everything they do is incredible!


What are you listening to at the moment?

I still love 80s/90s Manchester, this will never leave me. I can never get bored listening to The Stone Roses, Happy Mondays and The Charlatans, especially this time of year when the sun starts to shine. Dodgy 'Staying out for the summer' will always put a smile on my face. I'm currently listening to Raleigh Ritchie's Boy album, the track Bloodsport is a great tune.



What’s your favourite bit of tech, whether for professional or personal use?

I'm loving my new Aeropress. It makes a mean espresso at home. Can't do anything without coffee.



What artist(s) would you most like to work with and why? 

I would love the opportunity do work with musician/experimental sound designer Diego Stocco. His experimentation with musical instruments is incredible and how he uses them within his work.


How do you feel the promo industry has changed since you started in it?

I would probably say the growth of the internet…. Years ago, it was mostly TV and radio advertising and these days online adverts are just as creative and seen by a wider audience.


Music videos have had a resurgence of late; where do you see the industry being in five years’ time? 

I'd like to say that bigger budgets are allocated to music videos, this would hopefully allow for better production values. It's really hard for directors to stand out and I imagine difficult to come up with original ideas with tight purse strings.



I would imagine with the continuing growth of social media and online platforms, including technology advances we will see and experience videos in a different way. I've just seen the Royal Blood Samsung VR experience and I would imagine things will continue in this direction.


Tell us one thing about yourself that most people won’t know… 

I had a famous cousin called Ivor Emmanuel, a Welsh singer whom starred in the film Zulu.


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