
Marshall Street Editors' Lizzy Graham steps up for this week's Playlist. Graham has previously cut promos for artists such as Chase & Status [below], Alpines [further below], The Vamps and Lone [bottom]

What's the best music video you've seen recently and why? 

Probably have to say Massive Attack, Voodoo In My Blood. Rosamund Pike is brilliant in it and let’s face it, it’s a seamless edit.



What's the first music video you remember being impressed by? 

Foo Fighters, Everlong. I was a little bit in love with Dave Grohl as a teen. 



And what is your all time favourite music video? 

Kylie [Minogue], Can't Get You Out of My Head. Purely because she is awesome. 



What other Directors/artists do you look to for inspiration?

Walter SternJonas Åkerlund & Melina Matsoukas have all directed some of my favourite videos.  


 The Prodigy: Smack My Bitch Up (dir. Jonas Åkerlund)


What are you listening to at the moment? 

I've been listening to a bit of a mix at the moment, Stormzy, Ed Sheeran, Bastille, Rag'n'Bone Man & Flume. The track I can't get out of my head is Disciples On My Mind.



What's your favourite bit of tech, whether professional or personal use? 

My iPhone.... I'd be lost without it and now that I have found boomerang its only got worse! 



What artist(s) would you most like to work with and why? 

I would absolutely love to work with Beyoncé. You know you won’t be putting out anything less than a superb video.  



How do you feel the promo industry has changed since you started in it? 

For the viewer its changed so much. I remember as a kid rushing home from dancing on a Saturday morning to watch the chart show, so you knew all about the latest videos that are out. Now its so much more accessible. On your phone, tablet, laptop, on the tube, in the office or at home. You can literally access any video anywhere.  

Budgets have gotten smaller over the years but I do feel that with that directors are having to be a tad more creative with where that budget goes. Some of the best promos I've edited have been on the smallest budgets.   



Music videos have had a resurgence of late; Where do you see the industry being in five years' time? 

With technological advances, I think more and more videos will delve into VR. Videos, where you feel part of what’s going on. I think stories will still want to be told but the platforms that they are told on will move forward. Phones such as the Samsung with their Gear VR will be strides ahead of everyone.


 Tell us one thing about yourself that most people won't know....  

I hate celery. 

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