

Think you've got a sexy speaking voice? Why not find out with a Facebook chatbot, coming (pun intended) from Sid Lee and SKYN condoms.

On the SKYN Voice Analyser Facebook page, users can chat to the bot via Facebook Messenger. By speaking a few words into their microphones for ten seconds, they can have their voice analysed for its 'mystery factor', judged according to how 'mysterious', 'sensual', 'sophisticated' and 'intense' it is.


The bot, created by Jam3, can differentiate between men's and women's voices, and its able to interpret a number of languages, including English, French, Italian, Polish and Portugeuse, so continental Casanovas can give it a go too.

The digital campaign has been created to promote the brand's range of Unknown Pleasure condoms, a mixed pack that 'includes textured and flavoured condoms and NEW sensations,' according to the SKYN site. They also note how you can 'experience a different sensation with each intimate moment and revel in the mystery of what pleasure you’ll pick next.' Which gives a great phrase to use in the Facebook app...

Click here to see more great campaigns using chatbots...


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