
Another week, another Weekly Rewind, our guide to the best creativity-related news from across the web. And puns. Lots of puns. Check this week's choices, and find out what percentage of people have had sexual thoughts about Siri, which brands milennials think are coolest, and how Britney Spears almost caused a political crisis.

1. THAT Pepsi ad

The one time advertising makes the news and everyone's united in hatred against us. Sigh.

However, lots of great words have been said about the Kendall-Jenner-at-a-protest-spot, including this from Wired, and, if we do say so ourselves, our piece where Sam Walker tells us what we can learn from Pepsi's misfortune



2. Trump Tracks Down Twitterer

Speaking of things everyone hates, Donald Trump. This week, the sentient ball-bag tried to get Twitter to reveal the person/people behind @ALT_uscis, a possibly fake account that says it is run by someone from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services. Twitter, according to the AV Club, has filed a lawsuit, which Trump can add to his pile of lawsuits, currently rivalling the Washington Monument in size.


3. Engineer Marries Robot, Everyone Else Wants Sex with Siri

(...maybe my favourite headline I've ever written.) 

Last Tinder date not go well? Tired of people sending pictures to you of their genitals next to various bathroom products? Well why not marry the uncanny-looking robot you've designed, like this Chinese engineer on the i100. Coding not up to it?! Better just stick to having sexual fantasies about Siri,as Dazed
that 26% of you are doing.


4. Elect Me Baby One More Time

...or don't in this case. Per CNN, this week's Israeli Labor Party's primary election (it's in my calendar too) had to be postponed due to Britney Spears' scheduled concert in Tel Aviv, with a spokesperson saying they were unable to hire enough security for both, and a primary election without security could be TOXIC for the country's political climate. ...Because Toxic is a Britney song, geddit?!


5. Google List Brands Kids Consider Cool

Love Coldplay, YouTube, and Oreos? Then you're just as cool as your teenage kids, according to a study released this week by Google. Polling millenials on brand awareness and brand coolness, Google revealed that basically, every born between 1990 and 2004 sucks, and that's coming from a 1993 baby. shots unfortunately wasn't one of the featured brands, which makes us the coolest of all. Word daddio, and other things kids say. 


6. Jaz-Z Launches $850 Champagne

We've got 99 problems, but finding an overpriced champagne brand ain't one, thank to Jay-Z's new Blanc de Noirs Assemblage Two champagne brand. AV Club write that the Assemblage One was actually pretty well-received, making it officially better than anything the Jiggaman has released musically for a while. So this weekend, don't get DRUNK IN LOVE, get.....oh you get the gist. There's only so many convuluted puns any one Weekly Rewind can feature.


7. Wi-Fi Warning

'Poisoned wi-fi signals' may sound like the MacGuffin from the lamest cyber-thriller of all time, but BoingBoing have shown this week that they are something that Android users should really be worried about. The Broadcom system that gives Android users wi-fi can easily be compromised right now until an update rolls out a few weeks away, so if a wi-fi spots has snake eyes a skull and crossbones on it, best avoid. 


8. Adidas to Launch 3D-Printed Trainers

The future is here and it's made out of a giant vat of liquid polymer resin, according to the Verge. Adidas are to work with start-up Carbon to develop a new 3D printing method that will make it cost-effective to mass-produce 3D printed products. 5000 of these Futurecraft shoes will be released this year, with a target of 100,000 to be produced by the end of 2018.


9. Chicken Nuggets to Change Twitter

The greatest battles are about the underdog vs. the giant. David vs. Goliath. Rocky vs. Apollo Creed. Spiller vs. Victoria Beckham & Dane Bowers. And now, The Mirror reports, the world record for most retweets vs. chicken nuggets. Specifically, one man who was promised free chicken for life from Wendy's if he could be retweeted 18 million times. If he gets just a fifth of that, he'll beat Ellen's Oscars selfie for most retweeted image of all time. Godspeed, chicken lover.


10. Bristol's Grammar Batman

shots hates spelling and grammar mistake's. There the worst, and your the worst if you committ. Luckily, a grammar vigilante is here for sentences like those. According to the BBC, a man is going around in Bristol, UK and removing bad grammar from shop signs during the night. Like Batman if his parents had been killed by an errant apostrophe. Someone should make a film of his life; it can't be any worse than some of the pre-Nolan Batman films...
