
With pollsters in disgrace after the one-two punch of Brexit and Trump, industry legend Sir John Hegarty has unveiled new billboards that aim to get people debating and polling on the issues that matter.

The Garage Soho
, working together with self-proclaimed 'public opinion platform' B.heard, have set a number of billboards across Glasgow that ask questions that the public can go on the site to answer. Think Brexit is Brexshit (their pun, not ours)? Let them know. Think Sir Phillip Green should forfeit his knighthood? These and other issues feature on these billboards.


phillip green should he keep knighthood


With this conversational campaign, Hegarty has typically high aims. Asked why he decided to do a traditional billboard campaign in a digital world, he responded, 'we chose outdoor media to convey this message because it’s effective, and you can’t Adblock it. If you want to start a mass market conversation, you have to use a mass market medium.'

Meanwhile, B.heard founder Oscar Vickerman said of the campaign, 'People from all walks of life will come across our first-ever ‘conversation billboards’. We are here to encourage outcomes that are based on our collective values, not anyone else’s.'

So there you have it. Pollsters better beware.

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