
Warburtons unveiled their new Toastie Pockets with a interactive billboard created by WCRS that people had to shake their heads to read, tying in with the campaign's slogan, 'toasties you toast in the toaster. No, really.'

On the billboard, the so-called 'Wall' at London's Westfield shoppping centre, Shepherd's Bush, words alternated on the wall's two video screens, meaning visitors had to move their head from left to right to read the message. To an onlooker, the effect was to make it look as if they were shaking their head at the idea of toaster-based toasties.


warbutons toastie ad


This repeats the overarching theme of the campaign, which is disbelief that such a thing as a toastie you can make in the toaster exists (even though shots realises that pitta breads have existed for millenia). This extends through the whole print campaign and onto radio ads that have actors Brian Blessed and Barbara Windsor leaving messages of Jonathan Warburton's answering machine expressing their disbelief.


warbutons toastie ad


This theme even extends to statements given by WCRS ECD Billy Faithfull, who said of the launch, 'At first it was just a rumour, a dream, a whisper on the wind. A toastie you toast in the toaster...But happily, it turned out not to be unmitigated codswallop, just quality bakery innovation.'

This week, WCRS also created a campaign replacing Welsh flags for lobsters to draw attention to skin cancer. Find out more here.

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