
Bakers – Bakers: Deliveries of Delight

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  • Production Company 76

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Some adverts seem to be the result of years of work, thousands of detailed storyboard panels and a strong aesthetic visions. Other spots, like Bakers dog food’s Deliveries of Delight, seem the work of mere minutes, some one in a meeting on a Thursday afternoon saying off-hand, ‘hey, wouldn’t it be cool if the Bakers dog drove rickshaws?’

The answer is yes, that would be kind of cool. Directed by Alan Friel of 76 ltd for AFG&, the advert brings this idea to life, casting the canines as dog food delivery drivers in the countryside. And quite frankly, if the sight of a big shaggy dog with his paws on ’10 and 2’ on a steering wheel like he’s people does not fill you with joy, then this ad game has sucked all life out of you.

The commercial is part of the brand’s new Better Bakers campaign, highlighting how they have removed artificial flavourings, colourings and preservatives from their dog food. Turns out all it took for man’s best friend to start taking man’s best car for a spin was slightly healthier canine chow.

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