
What’s the best promo you’ve seen recently and why?

It’s not exactly a music video but we were really impressed by the trailer for Lemonade by Beyonce. It has an amazing use of sound; it's always important that the sound connects to the image to produce something that's entirely new. It creates an atmosphere, something that the track itself doesn’t fully have but that the image alone wouldn't give without that particular musical accompaniment.



What’s the first promo you remember being impressed by?

Probably Michel Gondry’s video for the Kylie Minogue track Come into my World. Besides the technical aspect, it was super entertaining, really fun and playful to watch. 



And what’s your all-time favourite music video?

All is full of love by Bjork directed by Chris Cunningham. For us, it just contains everything that a music video should have. It’s minimal but original, demonstrates enough of the narrative and features the artist perfectly, but all the while illustrates the song by creating a fantastically-immersive environment. It's also timeless... Just the perfect music video.



What other directors/artists do you look to for inspirational?

I guess we look to a lot of classic artists and directors. Currently we are really loving the work of artist Jon Rafman; he's a great source of inspiration these days. Also we dig DIS magazine’s exhibitions!


What are you listening to at the moment?

A Lithuanian band called MTJUNKER. We saw them live randomly and they were surprisingly good!



What’s your favourite bit of tech, whether for professional or personal use?

The Supertechno 50 is a fabulous object :) both to look at and to shoot with. The iPhone is also an extremely useful tool for so many things in our job!


What artist(s) would you most like to work with and why?

At the moment we are focusing a lot on the digital age and post human imagery. We should probably find a post music artist like Oneohthrix Point Never or perhaps a more mainstream artist that we could share this imagery with.



How do you feel the promo industry has changed since you started in it?

There are so many more music videos these days. When we started, videos could last a few weeks now they rarely last a few days. In a way, its a good thing; it means that a music video needs to be really, really good to stand out. It’s an interesting challenge and keeps things exciting.


Music videos have had a resurgence of late; where do you see the industry being in five years’ time?

There are two options: Either promos remain weaved into our daily consumption of information in our super-connected social media lives. They're consumed like an entertaining article or a funny gif.

OR it can go back to the 00’s - revivals happen every 20 years right? - where there were less videos being produced but they were better or at least, they made more of an impact. The end of the "virality era" in a way.



Tell us one thing about yourself that most people won’t know…

We used to be part of a band and one of our friends made a music video in which we attempt to act. Hahahahah. Ouch…

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