
From KFC’s ‘extra crispy’ Hamilton, through 80s ’zine pioneer and The Simpsons writer Meyer, to Bedford Falls’ resident angel-botherer and all-round nice guy Bailey… By George, Jason Norcross, partner and executive creative director at 72andSunny Los Angeles, thinks he’s got it!


What is the most creative advertising idea you’ve seen in the last few months?

I like how KFC has been using different celebrities to play Colonel Sanders, casting actors with characteristics that sync up with particular product attributes (i.e. the perma-tanned George Hamilton representing The Colonel to sell “extra crispy” chicken.) It’s a fun, ingenious riff on how to do a classic spokesman campaign.



What’s your favourite website?

I’m a big fan of absentmindedly browsing It’s a constantly updating curation of photography, design, GIFs and other sorts of graphic ephemera – from really considered and tasteful stuff to the super random and absurd.


What website do you use most regularly?

Besides Google, probably I don’t die-hard follow any particular sport or team day-in and day-out anymore (unless the Boston Red Sox were World Series bound), but I still care about what’s going on in sports – especially if any New York teams are somehow imploding, choking or otherwise embarrassing themselves.


What product could you not live without?

Since moving to California, I haven’t been able to live without slip-on Vans.


What product hasn’t been invented yet that would make your life/job better?

‘Rosie’ from The Jetsons [below]. A legit do-it-all robot maid would be helpful. Roomba® [a robot vacuum cleaner] ain’t cutting it.


What track/artist would you listen to for inspiration?

Van Morrison gets me relaxed and in the mood to think and daydream. His music is definitely a go-to whenever I have to bang out some work or fill out a questionnaire for a respected industry publication.



What’s the best film you’ve seen over the last year?

Swiss Army Man is a trip. So crazy and inventive. It’s Harry Potter as you’ve never seen him before – dead, but… not dead. I love when I see things and think, “How the hell did someone come up with that?”



What show/exhibition has most inspired you recently?

Wandering around The Broad [gallery] in downtown LA [below]. Incredible building. Even more incredible collection of modern art.



If you could live in one city, where would it be?

I like living in Los Angeles. I appreciate having access to this incredibly diverse, sprawling city, while also being able to put down roots in a more intimate pocket of suburbia. Weather rocks. Traffic sucks. Still, whenever I’ve been away I’m always glad to be heading back.


Mac or PC?

Mac. At this point in my life, it’s the only operating system I can, you know, operate.


What fictitious character do you most relate to?

George Bailey [from It’s a Wonderful Life]. I can relate to being the responsible one. Taking things too seriously. And being reminded how good I have it by a guardian angel or two.



What’s your favourite magazine?

I have original copies of a ’zine published in the late 80s called Army Man. It was created by a guy named George Meyer who went on to write for The Simpsons for years. These are the only magazine-like objects I have never thrown away, so they must be my favourite.


Who’s your favourite photographer?

Vivian Maier [below]. She was a mystery woman. An itinerant nanny and amazing street photographer. I watched a documentary earlier this year about how she was discovered, posthumously.

It’s a fascinating story. Her work really struck a chord with me. It’s so honest and relatable and raw and human. The fact she never lived to experience the reaction to her work and that her talent could have gone completely undiscovered if it weren’t for some pretty random circumstances probably lends to its impact on me too…




Who’s your favourite designer?

Charles and Ray Eames. I admire their eye, taste and range of talent. What medium couldn’t they make in? They did ‘timeless’ pretty damn well, and that’s hard to do.


If you could have been in any band, what band would you choose?

Spinal Tap. But not as the drummer.


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