
You might associate fist bumps as a sign of respect or a greeting between friends, although it can also be used as a way to celebrate a win among teammates in sports.

But fist bumping is actually first and foremost a form of cleanliness, I’ll have you know.

In a new campaign from john st – the agency famed for its spoof spots, Bump Don’t Shake informs viewers that by avoiding shaking hands this season, you could keep colds at bay.

Greeting people with a handshake can spread up to 90 percent more germs than fist bumping and it's a guaranteed way to spread infection.



The campaign helmed by Jason Jeffrey also features a fully-comprehensible website that logically explains why you should start adopting the informal fist-bump greeting instead of the more widely-adopted and socially-accepted handshake... I mean, even Bill Gates didn’t shake hands with the people that he met (according to an article posted on the site).

With a full list of reputable reasonings from certified medics about the health implications of handshaking, you might also become tempted to adopt the fist bump into your routine.

And if in doubt – or you’re worried that your company won’t let you use this informal salutation – then feel free to use the campaign’s templated letter to spread the word and get people fist-bumping with style. Good luck!

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