
What’s the last thing you do before leaving the office and heading off on holiday? Put on your out of office, of course.

The OOO sentiment is one that translates to all computer-based industries and for many, it’s a boring way of letting people know that you’re not reading emails… although in the creative industry, weird and wacky explanations about why you're absent from your desk are seemingly rather normal.

Australian airline Qantas has launched an exciting new way to transform the automated email – so that now you can share your location and send real-time photos to let your senders know whereabouts in the world you are.



All you have to do is head here, connect to your Instagram account, put in a simple message and the dates that you’re away et voila! A personalised, photographic email will be sent out automatically as a reply.

“The traditional out of office message can be both generic and impersonal in nature and from our research, 60 percent of employees say they appreciate receiving something more creative,” says Qantas’ group executive brand, marketing & corporate affairs executive Olivia Wirth.

Only Instagram photos tagged with #QantasOutOfOffice will be featured in the auto reply message, so no need to worry about the boss catching you up to no good on your holidays.
