
If you're struggling to achieve a decent work-life balance, let Drew Pautler, founder and creative director at Vancouver-based indie agency, Good Fortune Collective (GFC), be your guide. When he's not on his bike doing lunchtime laps, or catching a few rays in a water taxi, he's 'concepting' over a few beers at the local micro-brewery. Now that's what we call weisure... 


07.00: Vancouver’s temperate rainforest is mecca for mountain bikers. And grabbing a pre-work lap in the old growth is magic. I usually start my mornings ascending 750m on Mount Seymour before flowing back down and into the office.


09.00: Kicking the work day off with the team. GFC connects with their partners in four time zones, spanning from Germany to California.


11.00: [Creative] Jamie Gurnell joins the adventure with me on a press check via water taxi. Vancouver has street taxis too, but there’s no traffic to contest with on the water.


11.30: The boys and I check the finer details on a couple of press pulls of the Whistler Blackcomb Bike Park trail map. No check is complete without the use of a proper lupe. #printisnotdead


12.15: When the day allows and the sun is shining (it rains a lot in the winter) lunch laps around Stanley Park’s seawall give everyone a chance to work up a sweat.   


13.00: Agencies that eat together stay together. A quick stop into their favourite surf/ taco shop, Tacofino, gives the GFC’ers a moment to enjoy good food.


14.00: After lunch, I stop by the edit suite to see how Darryl Spreen is shaping an upcoming spot with dogs Brian and Mia. Brian lost a leg in a car accident a few years back, and is quite possibly the cutest tripod on the planet. Consider yourself warned.  


18.00: After the edit wraps, the team and I duck out of the office for an early evening of concepting at the local micro-brew, 33 Acres. The wifi is free. The beer unfortunately, is not. 

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