
Regular runners will know that running can be therapeutic. Lugging your limbs from their lethargic slumber and instead testing your body to its limits, while the fresh air revives you, can act as a great remedy to many of life’s problems.

Runners can zone out and focus on something else, freeing the mind of negative thoughts – which probably explains why so many incorporate the sport into their regular routines.

Israeli-Palestinian organisation Parents Circle Families Forum recognises the benefits of running and so, has launched the Taking Steps project this week, with an explanatory ad (below) from BBR Saatchi & Saatchi.



All the group’s members – made up of some 600 families – have lost a close family member to the ongoing conflict. They hope that the network will pave the way for reconciliation between their nations, by encouraging others to also join the Path of Peace.

Tapping into the sporting routines of those featured in the ad - who use running as a way to regain control of their lives – the women in the group were behind The Parents Circle’s debut products (below): sports shoes decorated with the bird of peace or a hand-embroided patch that can be attached to its shoelaces. Both products are available to purchase on the project’s website.

The birds of peace represent the group’s determination to resolve the ongoing conflict and increase dialogue between the two nations.

Celebrities Cate Blanchett (below), Helen Mirren and Meryl Streep are just of the big names who have already endorsed the project. So, if you want to embrace the trend and support the possibility of peace between Israel and Palestine, take a look at the products and donate online.

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