
Working as part of a creative duo has its perks if Dave Canning (left) and Dan Triechel, co-executive creative directors at 180 Amsterdam, are anything to go by.

As yin to the other's yang, the pair battle the daily slog of meetings together and keep each other topped up with daily inspiration and coffee.


Cycle commute: One of the best parts of working in Amsterdam is that you can ride a bike to the office and arrive in less than ten minutes.


09.00 Riverside bliss: And the commute is pretty easy on the eyes (left). Arriving to work, we’re greeted by the two giant metal heads that float in the canal outside our office... We get the uneasy feeling that they’re watching us.


Cinematic inspiration to get the creative juices flowing: The front of our building features the motto that founded our agency. It’s a quote from Francis Ford Coppola - He made The Godfather... It’s a pretty good movie.


We rise from the dead: Coffee time.


Arty farty: On the left is the first thing you see when you walk into our office; It’s a good reminder for us and anyone who comes in that we’re all in this together. And on the right is the second thing you see when you walk through the doors. It’s a Japanese Fart Scroll from the 18th Century. Google it if you don’t believe us... It’s a good reminder to not take ourselves too seriously.



10:00 And the day begins: First meeting of the day, with (L-R) group account director/head of new business Melanie Portelli, planner Jonas Vail and head of project management Jo Borton.


11:00 Gather around the boomerang: Second meeting of the day is a conference call with a very important and much-loved client. We love you!


12:15 Testing, testing... 1, 2,3: Third meeting of the day involves checking out rough cuts with art director Rachel Kennedy, copywriter Joe Craig and Neil Henry, the producer.


13:15 Raring to go: Fourth meeting of the day. We’ve refilled our coffees and are going over scripts with fellow creative duo Francesco Grandi and Ed Ryder. Francesco is the one holding the invisible vase...


13:45 Do a little dance: Fifth meeting of the day. Once we’ve approved a set of creative directions to take to the client, we talk with accounts and planning to make sure that everything’s perfect and that there’s nothing in there that could get us fired. 


14:30 Food glorious food: Finally - Lunch! Cindy’s on Vijzelstraat is best for stuffing your face with tasty, homemade sandwiches... which are best enjoyed on a strict time limit.


16:00 Kung-Fu Panda? Back at the office for our sixth meeting of the day (and counting). But it’s all good... our CD Adam Noel just cracked a joke about giant pandas... It was hilarious.


17:30 Promise we're working: Seventh meeting of the day is a casual regroup with head of planning, Ben Armistead - who we meet weekly to go over all the agency's briefs and at least once a day to throw fun ideas at. Dave (L) is standing because he’s tired of sitting.


18:00 Oh, I say. Pimm's o'clock: Eighth and final meeting of the day. We’re on the whisky.


19:30/20:00 Chin, chin! Dave (L) leaves the office after catching up on emails and stops for a team beer in the local pub, while Dan (R) gets to the airport. He’s flying to Stockholm for a shoot.


 21:00 Just a quick night-cap: (L) Dave's last beer of the night vs. (R) Dan's dinner at the airport.

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