
New York Festivals 2016 Torch Awards is now open for entries.

Young creatives between 18-27 years old are invited to complete this year’s Inclusive Design challenge. This year, New York Festivals has teamed up with NGO, Institute for Human Centered Design (IHCD) - which attempts to raise awareness of the transformative capability of design and encourage greater interest in design. Entrants will present their ideas via a digital media showcase – which will be featured as a permanent fixture in IHCD’s exhibit showroom in its HQ office in Boston. Five finalists will present their ideas in New York, before being able to work on their ideas with a New York Festivals executive jury mentor and pitching their ideas to a jury panel. Winners will have the opportunity to publicly release their campaigns. The submission deadline is February 15 and finalists will be unveiled in April. For more information, visit the website or to enter, click here.
