
Last night [Wednesday] saw the winners announced for four more cagtegories at the 2015 Cannes Lions, with the awards for Cyber, Design, Product Design and Radio revealed.

Cyber Lions

Droga5 New York walked away with the Cyber Grand Prix for their work with Under Armour, I Will What I Want, specifically, the Gisele Bundchen element of that campaign [below].

Jean Lin, global CEO of Isobar and president of the Cyber jury [above, far right], mentioned that since the inception of the Cyber category, 17 years ago, everything had changed and that the jury was looking to celebrtate game-changing ideas that were enabled by tech and that I Will What I Want "demonstrates how a powerful brand narrative is enabled by tech... from the point of engagement to the point of transaction".




Gold Lion-winners in the category include Honda's The Other Side, from Wieden+Kennedy London; Grey Canada's Groceries Not Guns for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America; The Ice Bucket Challenge from The ALS Association and Always' Like A Girl from Leo Burnett Toronto/Chicago/London and Holler London.

To see the full list of winners for all of the awarded categories so far, please click here.


Radio Lions

The Radio Lions category saw Grey Germany (Dusseldorf and Berlin) take the Grand Prix for their affecting campaign for Soundcloud, The Berlin Wall of Sound; The Most Unbearable Radio Ad [below]. The seven minute-plus spot is an acoustic recreation of the Berlin Wall, specially made to remember its many victims. 



Paul Reardon, ECD at WhybinTBWA Australia and president of the Radio jury, said that while the Soundcloud work wasn't a traditional radio spot it still needed to hit the three basic tenets of a great, creative radio execution; a brilliant strategy, an original idea and flawless execution. "It is," said Reardon, "harrowing, macabre but very moving... and an interesting and fresh way of looking at radio and audio."

To see the full list of winners for all of the awarded categories so far, please click here.


Product Design Lions

The Product Design Grand Prix was this year awarded to Geometry Global Dubai for their brilliantly simple idea for Lucky Iron Fish, called, eqaully simply, The Lucky Iron Fish Project. 


An idea to get more iron into the diets of people in Cambodia, the project uses, literally, a small, iron fish to generate huge change. Dan Formosa, the designer at the head of the jury, said; "Product design is about the effect something has on your life... and you couldn't get any more lo-tech than a fish made of iron but it was a great idea that changed lives."

There were seven other Product Design Lions awarded by the jury in this, the categories second year, including one for Maruri Grey Ecuador for Panasonic ACH2O and three for R/GA New York for Hammerhead Navigation, Diadenetix and Equinox. 

To see the full list of winners for all of the awarded categories so far, please click here.


Design Lions

This year's Design Lion Grand Prix was won by Grey London for Volvo Life Paint, which has already picked up a Grand Prix this week in the Promo & Activation category. Andy Payne, global CCO for Interbrand Group and jury president for this category, he and his jury were looking for something that had, "a sense of cultural change and [that] worked on multiple touch points... this rose to the top and became a unanimous decision".



To see the full list of winners for all of the awarded categories so far, please click here.
