
What piece(s) of work are you tipping, or would you like to see win, in Cannes this year and why?

So, it’s the inaugural Glass Lion this year, and let’s not sit on the fence, Always Like a Girl will deservedly win it and many other bits of metal. Under Armour’s I Will What I Want [below] will get a lot of conversation in the jury room and Sport England’s This Girl Can is full of those beautifully observed cultural nuances that just don’t get noticed by international juries, but it should get something.



Away from the glint of the new Glass Lion and in the spirit of uncovering a hidden gem:

ELaN Languages Taste the Translation is a witty David & Goliath story.

Transavia SnackHolidays is a beautiful idea that really makes you think about how air travel will be retailed in the future.

Less easy to predict but possibly more interesting are the Innovation Lions, so stay tuned.


What website(s) do you use most regularly and why?

I have started to use Pinterest to keep track of ideas and inspiration that could get forgotten throughout the day. I have a board for everything, including Cannes predictions.



What’s the most recent piece of tech that you’ve bought and why?

Google Cardboard. Being made of cardboard it’s deliberately lo-fi, so it probably doesn’t qualify.


Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for the week of Cannes?

Twitter – my channel of choice.


What’s app do you use most regularly in Cannes and why?

Boringly it will be my calendar. Cannes gets busier every year and is no longer a creative jolly. So knowing when and where I need to be is more important than ever and still just as difficult.


What place do you think everyone should have visited?

Related to Cannes and if you like art, it would be [restaurant] La Colombe d’Or. Having lunch under a Picasso is quite surreal.


How has Cannes changed in the years that you’ve been visiting the Festival?

More people, more clients, more networking, more speakers, more seminars, more education, more days, more categories, more juries, more awards, more technology, more crossover. Less creatives.


What do you hope to take away from Cannes this year in terms of progressing your business or personal development and learning?

Well, it’s always a great pleasure to see the work and frankly it’s why we’re here. When you take the time to figure out what’s winning and where, it’s quite revealing as an industry. I am personally interested to see what’s happening in the Innovation, Cyber and content categories. I believe this trinity could form an interesting agency model.


What tips do you have for the week of Cannes Lions – either in terms of getting through the week or soaking up the inspiration?

Take time to see as much of the work as you can... and pace yourself.

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