
KFC – BBH ECD David Kolbusz on KFC's musical Xmas spot.

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This humorous musical spot for KFC, which puts an alternative twist on Christmas commercials, is the latest in a string of successful collaborations between Biscuit's Tim Godsall and BBH's . It will air during tomorrow night's (Saturday) UK X Factor.

Here, tells us how he came up with the idea and how he had to sing for his supper in the pitch.

What made you want to subvert the traditional Christmas ad and go for this kind of humour?

Year on year it's felt like there has been an increase in the number of brands diving into the Christmas ad pool. What's struck me as odd is how so many of them feel the same. The look, the tone and the messaging on so many of these things are variations on a singular theme. It seemed like there was an opportunity here to twist some of the category conventions whilst employing other holiday signifiers. 

Where did you look for lyrical inspiration?

It was really all about identifying conflicts that occur at Christmas time and writing words around them. The biggest challenge was avoiding clichés like mother-in-law gags.

How closely did you work with the music company and did you have to push them to make it more clichéd or rein them in?

We worked very closely with composers Hot Sauce Posse and the process was shepherded by the stellar Most Radicalist Black Sheep Music. The composers watched a video of me performing a shitty version of the song and this was followed by a comprehensive in-person briefing. Then they went away and composed. Mercifully, no pushing was necessary. They absolutely nailed it straight off.  From the first listen it was pretty damn near perfect.

How about the singers? Were they recruited for their cheesy tones?

It was a delicate balance to strike. We didn't want the voices to get too ‘comedy’. We wanted there to be a quality to their singing and an earnestness to their delivery so the song could actually pass off as a top 40 hit. We tried replacing the voices of the singers to match the characters we'd cast but the result was cringe-worthy so we went back to the original track.

You and Tim Godsall have done some great work together. What is it about the relationship that makes it so successful?

That's very kind of you to say. We have a mutual respect for each others’ work - the non-BBH stuff he does is irritatingly brilliant too. Also, we have similar tastes. The same things make us laugh. But the real reason I keep bringing my rusty bucket back to the Godsall well is that every time we shoot together he brings me ketchup-flavoured crisps from our native Canada. You can't get them in the UK.

Did the client take much convincing? Tell us about your performance at the pitch…

I've been trying to sell a musical for pretty much my entire career with no success. Not even a bite. Typically what happens is I walk into a room, make an arse of myself, clients laugh and clap (usually because they feel sorry for me) and then they don't buy the ad. Jennelle and Martin [from KFC] pretty much bought this one on the spot. I guess my singing was extra good this time. Or they were extra brave.

What drives you mad the most at Christmas?

Branded holiday lights. They pretty much suck all the joy out of what used to be my favourite thing about Christmas. While once I walked down Regent Street and delighted in the luminous displays adorning the London architecture, now there's always an ad for a new film nestled amongst them... and a little part of me dies.

What will you have for Christmas dinner?

I go very traditional. Turkey etc. But I try to avoid cooking because I hate cleaning up. Whole Foods do a heat and eat Christmas dinner that's pretty spot on.

What was the most disappointing Christmas gift you’ve ever received?

I'm never disappointed by gifts. They're gifts. Something you didn't have before that you have now because someone took the time and effort to get something nice for you. I subscribe to the ‘be thankful you get anything’ philosophy.

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