
UBISoft – BETC & Ubisoft Show How We Are Data

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Ubisoft and BETC Paris have launched Watch Dogs WeareData, a hyper-connected and experiential website designed to gather and graph the publicly available data that governs people's lives in a single location.

WeareData was created and developed by BETC Paris for the launch of Watch Dogs, the open world, Grand Theft Auto-style action game from Ubisoft [trailer above], in which the fictionalised city of Chicago is run by a CentralOperating System (ctOS), linking all of the city's online infrastructures and public security installations to one centralised hub. Information is at the heart of the game and also at the heart of the specially built website, WeareData. Navigating the site is straighforward if unusual and gives some insight into how much information is out there for anyone to tap into.

With WeareData, visitors will discover that much of the hyper-connected world imagined in WatchDogs is already a reality, and that everything and everyone is truly connected. WeareData is designed to provide a glimpse into this reality and to give visitors a new perspective on the cities in which they live.

WeareData allows users to access the real-time data that organises and helps run the cities of Berlin, London and Paris, as well current information on their inhabitants. A making of film for WeareData can also be seen below.

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