
Tim Lindsay, CEO of D&AD, finds himself haunted by a Terrence Malick film, vexed by his messy cycle bag and unable to live without the lyrics of Bob Dylan.

What is the most creative advertising idea you’ve seen in the last few months?

Honda Internavi and Columbian Government Rivers of Light – both Yellow Pencil winners and both on the D&AD website, for your pleasure.

What’s your favourite website? Worldwide surf reports and other wave-related stuff. I’m a really rubbish surfer but it doesn’t stop me loving it.

What website do you use most regularly?

The Guardian, by miles, followed by the BBC.

What product could you not live without?

A corkscrew.

What product hasn’t been invented yet that would make your life/job better?

Something that keeps the mass of electrical cables in my cycle bag untangled.

What track/artist would you listen to for inspiration?

I couldn’t live without Bob Dylan. Have you read his autobiography, Chronicles: Volume one? He’s a prose genius as well. It’s not fair.

What’s the best film you’ve seen over the last year?

Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life. I only saw it about six months ago. It’s stayed with me ever since.

Mac or PC?

Mac, though not without certain reservations.

What show/exhibition has most inspired you recently?

Danny Boyle’s low budget, low key effort In July. I thought he absolutely smashed it.

If you could live in one city, where would it be?

Bath (which is where I live now). It’s got everything you want in a city and not much of the stuff you don’t want. It’s also extremely beautiful, despite the efforts of the council in the 60s, when a significant portion of it was vandalised by planners.

What fictitious character do you most relate to?

Holden Caulfield [protagonist of author J. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye], still, after all these years.

What’s your favourite magazine?

The Observer Food Monthly.

Who’s your favourite photographer?

Sebastiao Salgado. Landscapes, natural history, social documentary, take your pick.

Who’s your favourite designer?

Levi Strauss. You still can’t beat an ancient pair of 501s.

If you could have been in any band, what band would you choose?

The Stone Roses, first time around.
