
At Buzzman, they credit Bob Thacker, senior VP-marketing and advertising at OfficeMax for articulating their credo. “The secret is respecting the consumer,” says Thacker, “You are interrupting their life. All advertising is unwanted, so if you're going to crash the party, bring some champagne with you.” With a new interactive digital experience for MTV, Buzzman have brought a lot more than bubbly to the table. For starters, they brought pizza.

The GIF Me More Party places viewers in the first-person perspective of a pizza delivery man arriving to a party. However, this is no ordinary video. The viewer is able to click on any of the 50 characters and jump to their perspective seamlessly. The result: user engagement is rewarded by discovery of hidden content that eventually leads to an unlockable download of hip-hop group, The Death Grips, new EP. Further, the video cleverly utilises lude behaviour, sex appeal, and fast paced antics to entice the viewer into deeper engagement with the narrative.

Every bit of the execution is carefully moulded to attract MTV’s heavily chased youth demographic. From the wobbly camera aesthetic of reality TV to the scantily clad 'woo girls' around every turn, this video places itself directly into the world of its target audience. With the implementation of the entire GIF Me More MTV mobile campaign, that’s precisely where they aim to be.

Many advertisers and brands struggle to reach nebulous youth markets, but MTV believe they’ve found the solution. By teaming up with innovators at Buzzman - the geniuses behind the interactive viral for Tipp-ex: A Hunter Shoots a Bear - MTV use the language and digital culture of the Millennials, and have created a way to be relevant to this new generation.  Consider it the new, multimedia, multi-platform version of “I want my MTV.” 

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