
Wanda Productions, the highly respected French production company, recently hopped aboard a Eurostar train and arrived in London to open a fresh, new office to add to its Paris HQ and Berlin tester facility. Now up and running the company’s CEO, Patrick Barbier, gives some insight into the dynamics and intentions of the new office, directorial roster and company in general as it embarks on a new phase of a European expansion.


How long has the company been thinking about expanding?

About two years ago, at the end of 2009, we opened a first ‘test’ office in Berlin which was the first step of our project to develop outside of France. Now we’re taking the second step and opening an office in London on West Central Street, WC1.

Clare Morton is our head of sales and Jérôme Denis is our executive producer/partner. At the same time we are also reinforcing our presence in Germany by creating Gmbh in Hamburg and Mandy Kothe, executive producer/partner, will oversee the Berlin office.

Why London and why was now the right time to launch the new base?

London was of course at the heart of our project. We hope to build an entity that will become a strong force throughout Europe combining our three offices in Paris, London and Hamburg.

Is it the right time? Year after year, we’ve succeeded in building a brand with a strong culture and an international reputation. We’re developing directors who we know well and we produce films with a strong creative level that are regularly awarded at international festivals. Our company has a real position in international rankings. Now we think we’re ready to share our company’s culture with other markets and generate interest with our directors.

Tell us about how the company will work now...

The London, Hamburg and Berlin offices will work in a totally independent way with a specific roster of directors on offer that will evolve with time. However, our British and German partners will spend some time in Paris every month to integrate our company’s culture, meet the directors and communicate with us. These meetings seem essential to us in building the cohesion of the company and preserving our identity.

How did you select the five directors from the existing roster?

They are directors who already have a very favourable reputation in London and have already pitched for British agencies. They have a strong desire to work in other markets and speak fluent English, which is not always a strength of the French! Our role is to accompany them and boost their positions.

Of course, what we have to offer will evolve with time, with new recruits from France and abroad who will come and reinforce what we have to offer. But I think that the opportunities will present themselves pretty quickly.

Today’s markets are more open. The diversity of projects as well as digital and brand content are changing production practices. The heart of today’s production challenge is to have the right director in the right place as well as reactivity, commitment, positive spirit and drive... also the creative solutions to match budgets!

There’s also currently a real interest for French directors in London. For example with music videos you have Gavras and Megaforce (who we are representing in London); then Danakil and j.a.c.k.

Xavier Mairesse, Wilfrid Brimo and Akama are among the most awarded directors in France today and they have a great desire to work in London. I think that we will know how to bring interesting creative solutions and that we have all the means necessary to accompany them and make things possible.

And are there plans to sign new talent in London?

Of course, each office has a mission of finding innovative directors and we want to maximize synergies between the three offices to integrate these new talents and reinforce our proposition.

Are there specific jobs you’ll be on the lookout for?

We are clearly seeking out strong creative experiences, whatever the type of project: advertising, digital, music video... they’re all territories we know well.

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