
Face to Face with... Rankin

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Photographer/director Rankin is an international celebrity in his own right. He has shot everyone from Cheryl Cole to Gordon Brown and covered subjects of his own personal interests as well as major commercial campaigns for the likes of Nike and Women’s Aid. Recently, he chose to direct a PSA for the Male Cancer Awareness Campaignthrough JWT London warning young men about testicular cancer and the importance of regular checks. We catch up with the man who tells us about the touchy subject and shooting glamour model, Rhian Sugden, in a new light.

How did you get involved with the Male Cancer Awareness Campaign and why is the cause important to you?

Jason Berry at JWT is a mate of mine and we’ve worked together in the past. He approached me with the idea for the viral and I thought it was great – I had to do it! I work with a lot of charities, but this campaign is particularly important as it affects a lot of younger men. They don’t know how or are too embarrassed to detect symptoms of testicular cancer. I thought if I could make a film that would make people stop and think then I’ve done my job well!

One of the most important things was that the film appealed to men between the ages of 18 and 40, as these are the kind of guys who actually die from embarrassment, because they don't know what to do, or are too afraid to ask. There are some pretty horrific stories but on a lighter note I also just liked the idea of loads of people touching their balls!

What was your initial reaction when you saw the script?

Before I read the script, I knew that they wanted it to be provocatively sexy, with a twist of humour. When I read it I thought this was the perfect job for me [and] it was a lot of fun filming it. It felt like the right script for this charity. These kind of jobs don’t come around very often but when they do, I grab them by the balls!

Why did you decide to shoot in black and white?

I always intended for it to be black and white, because I felt that it would take it away from the 'lads mag' aesthetic. Rhian is a well-known Page 3 girl, and she is generally seen in lads mags, which are normally all colour. For me personally, this needed to stand out from that. It doesn’t look overtly glossy and glamorous, so doesn't detract the viewers’ attention from the real message.

It’s a great twist when Rhian takes that prop out of her knickers. Was it difficult to get that shot right?

We had five cameras all with different lenses, covering 360 degrees of the balls. It took a while for Rhian to adapt to the fact that she had balls, so it did take a bit of time getting the right take. I don’t think the crew particularly minded though…

Can you tell me about the testicles themselves – what they were made of? They look pretty real, were the crew reluctant to handle them?

Before the shoot they were being passed around the office, so everyone could cop a feel. We were all fascinated by them because they looked and felt so real. They were made by Nigel Booth, a prosthetics makeup expert. I have worked with him many times before, and he is the best. 

Even though you’ve made loads of commercials and promos, you’re better known for your photography. Do you ever find that people don’t take you as seriously as a director?

I find that in this business, people tend to categorise people very easily. I've been working as a photographer for 22 years and as a filmmaker for 12 years. I still feel like I'm learning every day and personally, for me, it’s about pushing myself and doing better work. Which is why I’ve started something called Collabor8te.

Which other directors do you look up to?

Jonathan Glazer and Malcolm Venville, among hundreds of others.

If you were forced to give up either photography or directing moving images, which would it be and why?

Isn't that like choosing between your left and your right bollock? Fuck that! 

Who was the best subject you’ve ever worked with on a photo shoot and why?

There are too many to list in an interview. Although I do love shooting with Heidi Klum, Kate Moss, Cheryl Cole, and my wife, Tuuli. To be honest, Gordon Brown was quite good as well.

Any chance you could tell us who the most difficult person to work with was?

That would be telling! But... each year, we do a dog calendar for Christmas, with my two dogs, Pickle and Tombi. That’s always a tough one, and my assistants hate me for it.

Do you have any future commercials/films lined up?

I am shooting my next commercial as we speak, with Heidi Klum, who as I’ve said, I love. We have a lovely working relationship. Film has always been a passion of mine and I have just finished a short, written by Irvine Welsh. I am also developing a feature film with Hamish McAlpine.

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