
This year shots has another string to its bow in the form of Giorgos Mavromichalis. A creative director at Greek agency Maresi, Mavromichalis will be reporting exclusively for shots from Cannes from Thursday of this week in a daily video blog which will be emailed out with the the shots Cannes newsletters. As a first time attendee he will be catching up with other delegates, sampling the parties and soaking up the atmosphere. Here he reveals his thoughts on the days ahead.


Are you excited about attending Cannes for the first time?

Does the archbishop have a beard?  Yes! Very excited. The last time I was this excited was when I survived a car accident. I've been wanting to go for years, but was too busy making a name for myself and creating good work. This year the time is right.


What are your expectations for the week?

The expectations are high. I'm expecting to meet a lot of creative, inspiring minds. I'm expecting sun, slippers and socialising. I had a dream last week that I was in Cannes playing badminton with David Droga.  He won, but then I’ve never played badminton before!


What are you most looking forward to about the festival?

The food. I am Cypriot, we love food just as much as the French! But also the work, even though I've seen most of it already. My office in Greece has been somewhat quiet lately and I’ve had a lot of spare time. The festival really is about rewarding the best work in the world. It's truly a great thing.


How do you think the festival will impact your agency once you get back to Greece?

If I win a Lion, everything will change. The clients will beat down my door like austerity protesters. If I don't, maybe nothing changes. But who knows, maybe other people will see my work and like it. My work is I think very different. I hope the rest of the advertising world likes it.


Are you planning to attend the parties and social events on the Croisette?

Yes of course! I will network as much as I can. My father ran a coffee shop so I grew up with people around me and can say I am a very social animal.  Sometimes maybe too much! (laughs) Being married I always try to hold back a bit though. In the end Cannes is about business and inspiration.


What will you be doing for shots while you’re in Cannes?

It's such a great thing, I'm going to be the Ambassador for shots at this year's Cannes. I will be around the festival day and night and doing a video-blog on the shots website about my experiences. I will go around and interview many people on the festival and share my feelings and opinions about the winners and losers.


Where are you staying while you’re in Cannes?

I'm staying in the Carlton and in the Martinez.


Have you been given any tips or guidance about surviving the social side of the festival?

Yes. Someone told me his wallet was stolen last year, so I bought a special wallet that sticks to the inside of my trousers. Other than that, I've been told to just go with the flow of the festival and not to drink too much in the daytime. Dinners are very important networking moments, so you don't want to lose your appetite.
