
Last night, New York’s Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) hosted the closing events for the AICP Week, which celebrated creativity and thought leadership.

Chaired this year by Chelsea Pictures’ owner/EP Lisa Mehling, the AICP Show was attended by 2,000 members of the advertising, marketing and production industries, and will now tour museums and cultural organisations around the world throughout the rest of the year.

BBDO New York’s Evan for Sandy Hook Promise (below) won the Advertising Excellence/Single Commercial award; while Wieden+Kennedy’s series of spots for Nike – Unlimited You, Unlimited Youth, Unlimited Will and Unlimited Courage – took home the Advertising Excellence/Campaign title.



McCann New York’s highly-awarded campaign The Field Trip to Mars for Lockheed Martin scooped up the Most Next honor, donating its $5,000 grant to the Washington DC branch of Girls Inc.

O Positive and Smuggler were the most awarded production companies, while BBDO New York and Wieden+Kennedy came out top on the agency side.

The event also saw the debut AICP Next Awards and the AICP Week Base Camp. At the Next Awards, Show’s The Art & Technique of the American Commercial was premiered, while the Base Camp featured seminars and panels from advertising luminaries such as R/GA’s Nick Law.

To view a complete list of the winners, click here.

