
Well, that was bloody good fun, if we do say so ourselves. Yes, it's the morning after the night before, and the morning after is saying "what the hell happened last night? My head feels like someone attempted to punt it to Antibes and my feet look like I've walked from Nice barefoot".

To that we say, "that'll be a combination of the large quantities of alcohol you consumed combined with the three-some hours you spent dancing".

But if you don't believe us, and if you're ready to face the brutal truth, we have the pictures of the shots 2015 Beach Party to prove it on our Facebook page, which you can access right here.



If you made it to the event then we'd like to thank you for coming and, of course, we'd like to thank our co-sponsors of the shots Beach Party; 1000 Volt, Shoot in Chile and BETA Beach, and our supporting partners; Twentyfour Seven and Stratum Films.

We would also like to our Epic Selfie-Booth sponsors AtSwim, and of course Rewind who provided the very popular booth. 

Last, but not least, thanks to Julian Hanford for taking all of the amazing photos.

See you next year!
