
Digital Cinema Media (DCM), the market leader in UK cinema advertising has partnered with D&AD to launch a new Inspired by Film programme with a campaign set to launch during Advertising Week Europe 2014.

The programme will look at and explore all the ways film has inspired and influenced the advertising industry and Inspired by Film will open with a joint workshop on Thursday 3 April 2014.

The two bodies will also collaborate to produce, collate and commission content from inside and outside the film and advertising communities, showcasing the very best work and exploring the impact it has on the creative industries.

The new initiative will delve into D&AD’s box of Yellow Pencils to look at title sequences, Q&As with directors working between the two mediums, explore the anatomy of a scene, analyse the making of a trailer and look at creative techniques from lighting, new technological developments and sound.

As part of the partnership DCM will also challenge budding creatives to produce a 25 second ident that illustrates the rich emotions of the screen and the brief will form part of the D&AD New Blood Awards.

For further information visit D&AD.
