
In advertising, you usually spend all your time looking for the hot, the new, the next. But sometimes it’s good to look back, to appreciate the old that was once new, to see how far we’ve come.

To celebrate our 150th issue, shots takes a nostalgic trip and browses the industry’s rich creative history to pick our favourite 150 agencies, directors, production and post houses, spots, Super Bowl spots, creative gurus, brands, music videos, online campaigns, shots staff most admired work and most important changes.

There are some brands that, before you’ve even seen a new piece of work, create an expectation of excellence. Brands that consistently deliver thoughtful, interesting, intelligent or just plain old entertaining campaigns, that become touchstones in the industry. Some have been doing this for a generation or more, some have only been in existence for a short time, but have been born into creative excellence, and others have turned from the dull to the delightful. This is our list of the best 15 clients who have delivered inspiring and influential work since shots’ inception and the work we most admire them for.


Wake Up Call, Lance Acord, 180 Amsterdam

Jonah Lomu, Fredrik Bond, 180 Amsterdam

Kicking It, Chris Palmer, 180 Amsterdam

Carry, Noam Murro, Cutwater Los Angeles

Hello Tomorrow, Spike Jonze, Cutwater Los Angeles

The Cautionary Tale of Ebeneezer Snoop, Jake Szymanski, Sid Lee Montreal



Metamorphosis, Laurence Dunmore, Ponce Buenos Aires

Getting Dressed, Ringan Ledwidge, BBH London

No, Jose Prat, Ponce Buenos Aires

Billions, Fredrik Bond, BBH London

Susan Glenn, Ringan Ledwidge, BBH London

Apollo campaign, BBH London


Budweiser/Bud Light

Whassup, Charles Stone III, DDB Chicago

Dude, Clay Weiner, DDB Chicago

Swear Jar, David Shane, DDB Chicago

Fridge, Paul Middleditch, DDB Chicago

Mr Giant Taco Salad Inventor, John Immesoete, DDB Chicago



Visigoths, Baker Smith, BETC Paris

March of the Emperors, Glue Society, BETC Paris

The Wardrobe, Matthijs van Heijningen, BETC Paris

The Bear, Matthijs van Heijningen, BETC Paris


Carlton Draught

Big Ad, Paul Middleditch, George Patterson Y&R Melbourne

Flashbeer, Paul Middleditch, George Patterson Y&R Melbourne

Sky Troop, Paul Middleditch, Clemenger BBDO Melbourne

Beer Chase, Steve Ayson, Clemenger BBDO Melbourne


Centraal Beheer

Museum, Frank Budgen, DDB Amsterdam

Rio, Trevor Melvin, DDB Amsterdam

Cleaning Ladies, Nicholas Barker, DDB Amsterdam

Chase, Matthijs van Heijningen, DDB Amsterdam

Speedboat, Thed Lenssen, DDB Amsterdam



Swimblack, Jonathan Glazer, AMV BBDO London

Surfer, Jonathan Glazer, AMV BBDO London

Bet on Black, Frank Budgen, AMV BBDO London

Anticipation, Richie Smyth, AMV BBDO London

noitulovE, Daniel Kleinman, AMV BBDO London

Tipping Point, Nicolai Fuglsig, AMV BBDO London



Cog, Antoine Bardou-Jacquet, W+K London

Grrr, Smith & Foulkes, W+K London

Impossible Dream, Ivan Zacharias, W+K London

Hands, Smith & Foulkes, W+K London



Little Cars, Brian Beletic, Leagas Delaney

Lamp, Spike Jonze, CP+B Miami

Long Wait, Rocky Morton, St Luke’s London

Dog, Nick Reynolds, Lowe Singapore

Bored to Death, Bryan Buckley, CP+B Miami

Facebook Showroom, Forsman & Bodenfors Gothenburg



Washroom, Tarsem, BBH London

Twist, Frank Budgen, BBH London

Odyssey, Jonathan Glazer, BBH London

Drugstore, Michel Gondry, BBH London

Creek, Vaughan & Anthea, BBH London

Dangerous Liasons, Ringan Ledwidge, BBH London


Microsoft Xbox

Ear Tennis, Lionel Goldstein, BBH London

Champagne, Daniel Kleinman, BBH London

Jump Rope, Frank Budgen, McCann Worldgroup



Horror, David Denneen, W+K Portland

Parklife, Jonathan Glazer, TBWASimons Palmer London

Airport, John Woo, W+K Amsterdam

Tag, Frank Budgen, W+K Portland

Keep the Ball Alive, Steve Rogers, Publicis Mojo Melbourne

Write the Future, Alexander Gonzalez Inarritu, W+K Amsterdam

Possibilities, Nicolai Fuglsig, W+K Portland


Sony PlayStation

Double Life, Frank Budgen, TBWALondon

Mountain, Frank Budgen, TBWALondon

Michael, Simon McQuoid, Deutsch Inc

Greatness Awaits, Rupert Sanders, BBH New York


Stella Artois

Good Doctor, Ivan Zacharias, Lowe London

Last Orders, Jonathan Glazer, Lowe London

Ice Skating Priests, Jonathan Glazer, Lowe London

Apart-o-matic, Wes Anderson, Mother London

Crying Jean, Ringan Ledwidge, Mother London



Protection, Jonathan Glazer, BMP DDB

Lamp Post, Paul Gay, BMP DDB

GTI Forever, Ringan Ledwidge, BMP DDB

Bollocks, Jackie Oudney, BMP DDB

The Force, Lance Acord, Deustch Inc

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