
What's On Your Mind?

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This short film, from director Shaun Higton, is a brilliantly observed glance at the perils of social media and how people can live for the update, rather than for the moment. Higton, who recently signed tro Kandidat Oslo for Norwegian representation, says of the film;  

"This was, to begin with, a personal project where I wanted to explore the use of commercial-style editing, framing and pacing to tell a narrative and emotional story. When I got the idea I had a feeling that this had viral potential because of its universal theme and current topic.

Like all filmmakers we wanted to give the festival circuit a try first, to garner accolades and awards that could later boost it´s virality and internet buzz. But after our showing at the American Pavilions Emerging Filmmaker showcase, of which we were finalists, the response was amazing. So when I got back to Oslo my brothers and I decided we should bypass the festivals and put it straight out on YouTube."

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