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the world’s most respected industry leaders.

Amy Kean by Amy Kean on 4th February 2025

What if you were invited to a party but, on arrival, were ignored, then told not to eat the food, or dance to the music? Your seemingly friendly, initially welcoming host sounded like one thing, but turned out to be another. But, says Amy Kean, isn't that a bit like advertising? It might say it wants you to come, might even put together an initiative to encourage your attendance, but its inaction speaks louder than words.

27th Jan
Bach to basics; is it time to listen without prejudice?

Bach to basics; is it time to listen without prejudice?

Is Beyonce more effective than Bach? Can Sheeran shift more product than Schubert? Gary Hilton, Director of GAS Music, believes that when it comes to music, we should open our minds - and our ears - to not just the new, but the old. Because creative opportunities abound when we listen beyond the expected.

24th Jan
Console culture; how gaming is shaping the future of entertainment

Console culture; how gaming is shaping the future of entertainment

From the table top, to the small screen and beyond, gaming has become the centre of popular culture, with huge numbers of dedicated fans. Steve Ford, SVP Advertising at ESL FACEIT Group, asks what brands can learn from the kings of the console.

Music videos; we love you, and we need you

Music videos; we love you, and we need you

If video killed the radio star, on who or what do we blame the fall of music videos? Ok, so promos aren't dead but, says Elliott Starr, Creative Director at Impero, they are much diminished, and the creative industry is the worse for it.

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2025 will be the year of brutal brand honesty 2025 will be the year of brutal brand honesty
8th Jan


While advertising in the first half of the 2020s was defined by caution, sensitivity and increased public accountability, Paul Prato, ECD of PPK, predicts that 2025 will see a boom in bolder branding.

7th Jan
Risk and reward; playing it safe is a creative dead end

Risk and reward; playing it safe is a creative dead end

As a new year arrives, so too should a new approach to advertising, says World War Seven director Emma Debany. Or, rather, a return to an old approach; one which might take guts to roll the creative dice, but which can also deliver creative glory.

3rd Jan
The power of the past in tomorrow’s branding

The power of the past in tomorrow’s branding

Forsman & Bodenfors NY Group Creative Director Ivan Guerra predicts that the next big thing in the new year's marketing could be good old-fashioned heritage.

20th Dec CHRISTMAS 2024
Adland's happy tropemas messaging

Adland's happy tropemas messaging

It's not only wrapping paper that gets recycled at Christmas, says Damon Collins, Founder of Joint, as he casts a weary cliché-spotting eye over the UK's festive marketing 2024. However, he concedes, there were a couple of gems that shone brightly amid the fairies and gingerbread.

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Why Russell Brand’s baptism is a depressing turning point for men’s mental health Why Russell Brand’s baptism is a depressing turning point for men’s mental health
20th Dec


If a holy hand of forgiveness is sought, does that really absolve a man's sins? If a mental health diagnosis is declared, does that truly exonerate any male transgression? No, of course it doesn't, says Amy Kean, but if famous and fallible people keep insisting it does, where does that leave the already fragile men’s mental health movement?

20th Dec
Does 'exclusive' really exist anymore?

Does 'exclusive' really exist anymore?

As a director, you might be 'exclusive'. But, asks Luke Lashley, Founder of Departure, is that really the case? Is the traditional model for director representation working, or is it time to rebuild the future?

19th Dec
The more things change...; what the future can learn from the past

The more things change...; what the future can learn from the past

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Despite evolving industry practices, death-knell predictions for traditional approaches, and fears of technological upheaval, Washington Square Films Founder Joshua Blum, and EVP of Production/Producer Han West, believe that advertising's key tenets remain its core power.

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